Sunday, December 28, 2008

Last Sunday before leaving

Today was my last Sunday at Church prior to shipping out. I so appreciate my church family and their support of God's call to chaplaincy. It is my prayer that God will bless them through this outreach to soldiers.

My wife's aunt's funeral was today. I had a small part in it. It was indeed a full day. Tonight, the church is supposed to have a commissioning prayer time for me. It will be a special time.

I leave for a few days to see my parents in Springfield, MO for a few days.

New Years is head shaving day. I told Donna and Hope they would have the privilege of making me bald. It should be an experience.

God Bless,



  1. Steve, hope all went well at the hospital today and in your drill. Praying for you. Ardis

  2. Steve, so glad to hear you did all the test necessary and did them well and was able to over come your fears. We are really cold here and to get colder the next couple of days. Hope it doesn't reach that far. Love, Mom and DAd

  3. Glad you hd no problem doing the IV. Remember my first one. Was kinda scarry. Keep praying all is going well. Mom and Dad

  4. Sounds like you are really getting a work out. Sorry the weather is so cold. We are 50 degrees here today. Hope it is warmer for you also. Our prayers are with you during this strenuous time for you and being away from your family. Love, Mom and DAD
